One word, auto configuration. That’s two words, ok, but if you scrunch it together it is one, autoconfiguration. My spell check keeps complaining about making it one but oh well. In the MikroTik world, enabling the MikroTik IPv6 package is really all you need to do to start using it (provided your computer is dual stacked as well). Today, I realized how nice it is to take a router, reset to factory defaults, and as long as IPv6 is enabled, I can log into the router, Layer 3 with no configuration because IPv6 autoconfigures itself.
That is a big deal because often times on certain laptops, I can’t get MAC WInbox to work. It can be really flaky but with IPv6 I don’t need it.
Example: I reset this router to factory defaults and look at Winbox:
I can click the MAC address (green arrow) and put up with disconnects or failed connections or click the red arrow and have instant Layer 3 access with no configuration on the router. This one benefit is enough for me to start running IPv6. Obviously, there are many others but this should get your attention at least.
If you want to start learning IPv6, watch some YouTube videos, there are tons, and then create a free IPv6 tunnel with Hurricane Elecric’s Try it, it works!
The post One Reason IPV6 on MikroTik Doesn’t Stink appeared first on Steve Discher.
Source: Blog